
  • Recycling
    comprenew warehouse

    Where is Manufacturer Support?

    There are currently 25 states with “electronic take-back” programs. Michigan is one of them. These programs differ, but most require manufacturers of electronic devices to pay for the proper recycling of “covered” devices. A “covered” device is a product that has the potential of causing significant environmental harm if improperly handled. In Michigan, covered devices include CRTs, flat-screen displays, laptops,…

  • Community Engagement
    comprenew earth day

    Grand Rapids “Got the Lead Out” on Earth Day!

      On Earth Day, Friday, April 22, Comprenew was downtown Grand Rapids along Monroe Center collecting CRTs for certified recycling. CRTs are old-style (box shaped) TVs and computer monitors. Each CRT contains five to ten pounds of lead. Thanks to residents and area businesses, Comprenew collected over 2,500 electronic devices! Thank you Grand Rapids for “Getting the Lead Out!” Comprenew…

  • Community Engagement
    social impact Comprenew

    Comprenew Introduces Computers-for-Parents Outreach Program

    Comprenew’s new computers-for-parents program helps financially challenged families acquire a home computer and training. Comprenew’s goal is to close the digital divide while setting up families for success. Comprenew launched a pilot program last fall to address the digital divide that exists in our community. The computers-for-parents program is called This Is My Computer™ (TIMC) and is being offered to…